Aug 2, 2015

To introduce myself

Hello, people.

My name is Petromir and i am 25 years old male from Bulgaria - little beautiful country located in the Balkans, Europe.

When i was younger i was really skinny. I have no photos right now to show you but i was probably at 50 kg. and 1.65 m.
Later on when the puberty hit me i discovered the magnificent fast food and began to eat like crazy all kinds of stuff - pizza, fried chicken, 2L of Coca Cola a day, a whole white bread etc.
Back then i didn't realized what i was doing until i hit 95 kg. at 1.73 m. That was long ago. I dropped down to 80-85 kg. and stayed that way for years, not really paying attention to my fitness level, my health and my well being.

Past september i decided that this could not go on anymore. I took fitness/street workout/nutrition and all kinds of other sports very seriously.

This was my at the end of September 2014:

I was reading like crazy all kinds of books/articles/training programs and so on.

It has been a painful and hard time till now, and it is still, but i dropped from 85 kg. to 70 kg. in a healthy, muscle building/sparing way.

This is my current physique. Not so good, not so buff, far from what i want to achieve but it all takes time. I'm proud that all this is because of my work. dedication and a lot of reading, researching and practicing till i find/found the right way for me to workout, eat, sleep, rest, work... live my life.

I am starting this blog because of the countless people asking me how did i find such dedication to make it happen, how i made it happen and how could they make it happen. I want nothing in return like paying for training programs, for meal planning and stuff. I want to help you all for free and someday i might make a profit from all that just not now.

Take good care of yourselves and stay tuned to my almost daily posts from now on.

This is the present me:

Quick street workout routine coming in a few minutes and my nutrition plannig for today.

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