Feb 24, 2016

Как да тренираме правилно делтоидните мускули? / How to train deltoid muscles? ( Част 1 / Part 1)

Да започнем първо с това кои са делтоидните мускули?
Това са 3 мускула - преден, среден и заден делтоид и заедно съставят инъче познатото ни рамо.
Let's start with which the deltoid muscles are?
They are a group of 3 muscles - front, middle and rear deltoid and together they form what we call shoulder.

Една от трите най-сексапилни мускулни групи в един мъж е именно раменния пояс.
One of the three sexiest muscle groups in a man is precisely the shoulder girdle.

Спецификата на това как да тренираме правилно тази мускулна група не се изчерпва само с упражнения, които биха били подходящи за развитието на мускулатурата.
Раменната става е може би най-сложната става в човешкия скелет поради което трябва да подхождаме винаги разумно към тренировките за рамо за да я запазим здрава за дълъг период от време.
The specifics of how to properly train this muscle group is not limited to exercises that would be suitable for the development of the muscles.
The shoulder joint is perhaps the most complex joint in the human skeleton and we should therefore always wisely approach training the shoulders to keep them healthy for a long period of time.

Как да загрея раменната мускулатура и стави преди тренировка?
How to heat shoulder muscles and joints before a workout?

1) Започнете с въртеливи движения на ръката в едната и другата посока (напред и назад). Тук важи максимата - колкото повече - толкова повече. Лично аз правя между 15 и 20 повторения в посока.
1) Start with the circular motions of the hands in the other direction (forward and backward). This maxim applies - the more - the better. Personally, I do 15 to 20 repetitions in direction.

2) Въртеливи движения с рамена: тук се има предвид да извършите въртеливи движения основно от рамената. Около 15-20 бавни и контролирани повторения в посока са достатъчни.
2) circular movements with shoulders: here is meant to make circular movements mainly with shoulders. 15-20 reps slow and controlled in direction is sufficient.

3) Ротация на скрипец: ротацията на скрипец е упражнение целящо да загрее както ставата така и мускулите на рамото. Съществуват два вида ротация - вътрешна и външна като те се различават по стартовата и крайната точна на позицията на ръката и съответно ставата. Изключително важно е това упражнение да се извършва с минималния брой възможни килограми на скрипеца докато не натрупате солиден опит в тренировките. На повечето скрипци тези килограми са 5.
3) Cable  pulley rotation is an exercise designed to warm up the joints and the muscles of the shoulder. There are two types of rotation - internal and external and they differ in the starting and final exact position of the arm and accordingly the joint. It is vital that this exercise is carried out with the minimum possible weight of the pulley until you gain solid experience in training. Most of the time the minimum weight is 5 kg.

При външната ротация ръката е сгъната на 90 градуса пред тялото и бива преместена на 180 градуса навън. Направете от 15 до 20 повторения.
During external rotation of the arm is bent at 90 degrees to the body and is moved by 180 degrees out. Do 15 to 20 repetitions.

Вътрешната ротация представлява пълната противоположност на външната ротация т.е началната позиция на ръката е настрани от тялото а крайната е пред тялото.
Internal rotation represents the exact opposite of external rotation i.e. starting position of the hand is away from the body and the final is in front of the body.

Имайки предвид факта, че не е препоръчително да тренирате рамената в отделен ден освен ако нямате доста солиден спортен опит, тези упражнения биха били напълно достатъчни за да загреете раменните стави и мускулатура в достатъчна степен за да започнете спокойно тренировката си.
А как точно да тренирате рамената постигайки максимална синергия между обем и сила? Това ще научите във 2-рата част на статията.
Considering the fact that it is not advisable to train shoulders in a separate day unless you have a pretty solid sports experience, these exercises would be enough to warm up the shoulder joints and muscles sufficiently to begin a peaceful workout.
And how to train your shoulders achieving maximum synergy between volume and power? You will learn in the second part of the article.

Feb 19, 2016

Gym versus Street Workout / Calisthenics comparaison.

Now when i've been long enough on both sides i can clearly rip them apart to list you the pro's and cons of both.
These are two very different training styles the only thing in common between them is that they are physical activity.
However both of them offer unique pro's that are worth it to try to fit both of them into your schedule.

And not to just speak empty words i'd say for myself that starting this spring (may to be more specific) i'll start incorporating calisthenics into my training routine to reap the benefits of it. So i guess that i'll be very busy doing 5 x sessions in the gym and 2 x on the BARz.

Now to the good part...

Street workout

Pro's (listed in no particular order):

- You get to breathe fresh air. Not to be underrated.

- You socialize more because somehow the people doing street workouts are more friendly than the gym rats. I've met more friends on the barz instead of the gym. I've given more advises to the little fellas working out for the first time instead to the "know everything" gym rats.

- You build endurance. It was possible for me to do 8 exercises for 4 sets each with barely 30 seconds rest between sets and not feel tired after the workout.

- You successfully target your whole body and develop muscles that are often neglected in the gym.

- It is more spectacular to be able to do a "superman" or front or back lever than to deadlift 500 lbs.


- Sadly you're not able to build lean body mass that fast. Compared to the gym you build mass at maybe 3-4 x slower rate than in the gym.

- There are, however, some muscles that cannot be trained well enough (and the worse part is that they are ~50% of your whole body). You've probably guessed that those muscles are the leg muscles.

- It is damn hard to get started if you've never worked out before in your life. The discipline required to get started & keep going is often the breaking point for many of the people.

- You're dependent on the weather outside. Probably the biggest con for me. 



- Building mass faster is probably the biggest pro of the gym. With the proper training plan and nutrition you're going to grow like a beast in no time. I've often been told that i'm "no natural" and "cycling" and i'm so tired of that that i just brush it off and say "yeah, man, i'm on my 5th cycle".
But trust me - training hard and eating right really pays off !

- You can train no matter the weather outside.  

- You can successfully target specific muscles (like the inner pecs part for me) in the gym while you can't target a specific muscle doing street workout.


- Your overall endurance will suffer.

- You get some kind of "stiff" instead of flexible.

- You get to breathe in the sweat, dust and other smells in the gym which is gross to me.

- If you're skinny - everybody looks at you with disrespect. if you're average - no one bats an eye on you. If you're however above average and even advanced - almost everybody keeps looking at you. No, no, keep staring at you. Either with admiration or disrespect. Personally i don't like people looking at me at  the gym because i've worked my ass off and did a lot of sacrifices to get to that level and i'm not happy when someone is judging me.

Aug 3, 2015

Cutting? Tired of it...

As promised this is what is my nutrition now.
I've been cutting for so long i'm really tired of it. And the worst is that i hit a plateau so hard that i haven't dropped a single pound for two months. But my vacation is coming as the beach so i can't let myself start bulking before that.

I follow the Leangains protocol for the last 3 months and it is somehow good once you manage to get over that morning hunger issue if you used to have breakfast.

On training days i consume roughly 2400 calories with 150 gr. of protein, 60 gr. of fats and the rest is carbs. The leangains protocol suggest that the most of the calories should be consumed after your workout. This is mostly bad for me and in the same time - good.
Bad because i work till 8 P.M. so my workout is past that time and my feeding period is from 2 P.M. to 10 P.M. So let's say i finish work at 8 P.M and workout till 9:30 P.M. i have only 30 minutes to eat whatever i need to eat. This is pretty hard since you have to eat the most of your calories after workout. To be honest - some days i can but some days i can't.

So i break my fast at 2 P.M. with 300 gr. of  boiled rice with 100 gr. of baked chicken breasts. If i manage to control my hunger i eat a banana and 3 whole boiled eggs 20 minute before workout. If i don't i eat 250 gr. of yogourt with 80 gr. of cereals at 5 P.M.
After my workout i need some fast and nasty carbs so i like to do a salad with 150 gr. pasta, tomatoes, cucumber, 50 gr. olives, 50 gr. cheese and whatever vegetable i have around.
Dinnes (past workout) : Mentioned above salad + 100 gr. chicken breasts + 200 gr. cottage cheese.

On rest days i give priority to my fat intake. I have only one carb meal for the day. Due to the low carb intake on the rest days i do not get enough fiber from my food so i managed to make that happen with the carbs source being beans. That's right - 300 gr. beans. Carbs, fiber and protein at one. Can't wish for more.
So pretty much my whole days looks like:

300 gr. beans + 100 gr. chicken breasts
150 gr. cheese
3 whole boiled eggs
100 gr. chicken breasts + big salad
200 gr. cottage cheese.

I'll do some detailed explanation on nutrition some other time so wait for it.

Till tomorrow folks... hit the bars hard as i'm about to do tomorrow after work.

Street workout routine working on almost every muscle of the upper body.

Hi guys.

It's almost 6 P.M. here and i am listening to some heavy dubstep with my earphones to get pumped for my evening workout.

This is the routine i'll be following today. I found that the exercises , the sequence, the sets and the reps are working really well for me but i can't promise you that they will do the same for you. I'll write more on that later.

I begin at home with eating a banana and drinking 2 gr. of coffee mixed with very little amount of water - i want it to be concentrated as much as it can be. I suggest that you don't try that if you are inexperienced because it might cause you problems. 20 minutes from that i get a burst of energy, my body is shaking and shivering and if i don't start my workout by then i become hyperactive.

I'll begin with quick warm-up for the joints - arm rotation forwards and backwards to warm the scapular joints, arms rotation from the elbow to warm up the elbow joints and wrist rotations to warm up the wrist joints. Bend forward, backwards and sideways to warm up the core and the lower back. Just make sure to warm up every possible joint in your body no matter what part you are training.

1st exercise: Wide grip pull-ups

Do them in 4 to 5 sets with 6 to 8 reps. In fact i do all of my exercises like that. Just make sure you do them CLEAN. Only allow forced reps in your last or last 2 sets only and for the last 2 to 3 reps. You're not hacking the system by cheating. You're only slowing down your progress as you don't let your primary muscle (lats) do the work.

2nd exercise: Close grip chin-ups

They imply more muscles compared to the pull-ups so i like to do them second because i want all my power to go for the pull-ups. With the chin-ups you are targeting mainly your middle back muscles, anterior delts and of course biceps and brachialis. It is very good exercise for the thickness of the back indeed.

3rd exercise: Close grip horizontal pull up

This is the perfect substitute for the good ol' rowing with barbell. Just without the barbell. They key here is to try to use mainly your back instead of your arms. It is harder than rowing because you may not be able to use proper form for all the reps. Just stay consistent till you are able to do perfect 8 reps for 4 sets. Then you can add weight or do whatever you want to stress your muscles further.

By now i got almost all of my back muscles pumped up, as my forearms, biceps, medial and anterior deltoids and of course pretty much the whole core.

4th exercise: Hindu push-up

Google or Youtube them. They are pretty hard if you're not used to them. Consistency is the key. Even i am not able to complete 4 sets of 8 reps sometimes. They set my front delts and triceps on fire.

5th exercise: Push-ups.

Not much to explain here. Just use proper form, contract as much as you can those pecs and ignore the 8 reps here. Do them as much as you can - 15 reps, 20 reps, 25 reps, just push yourself as hard as you can.

6th exercise: Dips

Good ol' dips. Good for me and good for you. Real good! They should finish you off. Make sure not to go past parallel to keep those delts safe. Use your triceps to start the motion and at the top squeeze your pecs as hard as you can. Do 8-10 reps.

Core workout:

I finish my workout with some core exercises. I do the following sequence for 3 sets.

Side plank - 30 secs for each side, normal plank for 1 minute then i finish with what is called "The clock" (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0DPfkvwj5aA) for 8 to 10 reps.
Do this sequence 3 times and your core should scream at you for a rest.

And remember to drink your protein shake after the workout.... or not.

Aug 2, 2015

To introduce myself

Hello, people.

My name is Petromir and i am 25 years old male from Bulgaria - little beautiful country located in the Balkans, Europe.

When i was younger i was really skinny. I have no photos right now to show you but i was probably at 50 kg. and 1.65 m.
Later on when the puberty hit me i discovered the magnificent fast food and began to eat like crazy all kinds of stuff - pizza, fried chicken, 2L of Coca Cola a day, a whole white bread etc.
Back then i didn't realized what i was doing until i hit 95 kg. at 1.73 m. That was long ago. I dropped down to 80-85 kg. and stayed that way for years, not really paying attention to my fitness level, my health and my well being.

Past september i decided that this could not go on anymore. I took fitness/street workout/nutrition and all kinds of other sports very seriously.

This was my at the end of September 2014:

I was reading like crazy all kinds of books/articles/training programs and so on.

It has been a painful and hard time till now, and it is still, but i dropped from 85 kg. to 70 kg. in a healthy, muscle building/sparing way.

This is my current physique. Not so good, not so buff, far from what i want to achieve but it all takes time. I'm proud that all this is because of my work. dedication and a lot of reading, researching and practicing till i find/found the right way for me to workout, eat, sleep, rest, work... live my life.

I am starting this blog because of the countless people asking me how did i find such dedication to make it happen, how i made it happen and how could they make it happen. I want nothing in return like paying for training programs, for meal planning and stuff. I want to help you all for free and someday i might make a profit from all that just not now.

Take good care of yourselves and stay tuned to my almost daily posts from now on.

This is the present me:

Quick street workout routine coming in a few minutes and my nutrition plannig for today.